Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

Here's some advice for the New Year from St. Peter.

"Cast ALL your cares upon the LORD,
for He cares for YOU." I Peter 5:7

We don't need to fuss or worry at all.

As a family, we participate in a walk/run race to raise money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital every New Year's Eve in downtown Chattanooga. It inspires all of us to to stay fit and care for others. A great way to welcome in 2010!

Happy New Year to you!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Jesus' Birthday

Our family gathered in snowy Montana for Christmas.
We were all together for a Christmas Eve Brunch at Lone Mountain Ranch.
With loved ones nearby, we marked the celebration of Emmanuel's birth.
A favorite hymn I learned as a child was written by Peder Knudsen.

"I am so glad each Christmas Eve,
The night of Jesus' birth!
Then like the sun the Star shone forth,
And angels sang on earth.

The little Child in Bethlehem,
He was a King indeed!
For he came down from heaven above
To help a world in need.

He dwells again in heaven's realm,
The Son of God today;
And still He loves His little ones
And hears them when they pray."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

A week ago Saturday we woke up to gently falling snow. How beautiful the world looks in a robe of fluffy white blanketing everything!
King David wrote in the 51st Psalm, "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."
God gives us the expensive gift of forgiveness, bought at the price paid by His son.
No matter what we have done, we can accept the gift, open it and make it mine and just say,

Friday, December 4, 2009

Two Welcome Surprises

Pulling up to the clubhouse of the Chattanooga Golf Course with the twinkling Christmas lights reflected in the Tennessee River, I excitedly looked forward to seeing many dear friends! Henry and I have attended most of the Bethany Christian Services Christmas dinners for the past 25 years. We have seen the face of adoptions change from secretive to many more open adoptions, and also many more international ones. Our dinner table was shared by four other couples. We were all adoptive parents. One child Joined her family from China, one from Russia, two from Kazakhstan and two domestic, but cross cultural. A young family shared their sad journey of loss and then the happiness of adopting a sweet baby girl, which they then introduced to the audience, dressed in a tiny red dress.
We were surprised to be honored for our long time of service with Bethany, humbled to be selected in the midst of so many worthy foster families who have been part of the team of people that love serving the Lord by seeing babies placed in loving Christian homes.
Walking down the hall, we ran into two women. One of them heads up the Christian writers group in town and she introduced me to the other woman and told her about my book, Empty Arms. She responded,"I read it! Thank you so much for writing it!"Needless to say I was AMAZED and very encouraged!
"Thank you, Father, for giving us a glimpse of the fruit that comes forth as we labor in Your vineyard!"
"Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise." Hebrews 13:15

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Molly makes her debut at the Turkey Bowl

Henry and I were thrilled that our daughter, Tacy and her husband, Stephen decided to make the long drive from Maryland to Alabama to bring their 2 year old daughter to Thanksgiving.
She wasn't the only new cousin, there were actually 5 tiny cousins making their debut, including Beau, who has joined our family through adoption from the land of Ethiopia.
Molly sat on the sidelines and learned how to roll down the bleachers(really a hillside) of the field where the Turkey Bowl touch football game was being played. She loved to watch the cousins ("the kids") and try to copy them.
To have the melding of many Christian families over the three day celebration is such a blessing, especially as the various aunts and uncles reinforce the love of Jesus that we share and encourage an attitude of gratitude.
One of my favorite moments was during morning devotions all 37 of us sang the simple song,"Praise Him, Praise Him, all you little children, God is love, God is love..." and Molly's eyes got very wide as she looked from face to face. You could tell she was thinking, " You know that song, too???!!!"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Turkey Bowl Time

Our Thanksgiving celebration includes a touch football game among the cousins that has become a favorite activity for all ages! The Bo-Willie Reunion takes place at Camp Marannook in Alabama, a Christian camp run by Aunt Barbara and Uncle Charles. The families sleep in cabins not far from the lake. There is a football field with lines and a big turkey painted in the grass in the middle. The older uncles have graduated to referees and one rule is that every player gets a turn at carrying the ball. The aunties and grandmothers sit in the non-stands(really a sloping hill with a picnic blanket) and the toddlers take turns rolling down the hill. It is great fun and terrific exercise to fuel the appetite for the big meal!
After a nap, we reassemble to have a family worship time of guitar music, old hymns and testimonies to the LORD's blessing in our lives. These traditions have been going on for over 30 years, but it will be the first since Granny B arrived in heaven. We will all miss her greatly, but continue to welcome many new little lives into our family circle!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Reasons to Be Grateful

King David reminds us in Psalm 103 to "forget not all His benefits." This Thanksgiving season, even if we are in the midst of serious trials, we have much to be thankful for each day. Ask your self, "What has the LORD done for me?"
David reminds us why we should be eternally grateful.
As we delve into His Word we have the answer.
1. He forgives all my sins.
2. He heals all my diseases.
3. He redeems our life from the pit.
4. He crowns our lives with His everlasting love and mercy!
5. He is slow to anger.
6. He is quick with His mercy.
7. He won't try to get even with us.
8. He realizes we are frail and need His strength.
9. He is compassionate to His children.
10.He rules over all!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fan Letters

I haven't wanted to brag, yet the last fan letter I received changed my mind. It's time to share an exciting letter that our book, EMPTY ARMS has generated.
Ann Caldwell and I have heard from a teenager in Seattle the same week we heard from an older woman from North Carolina. That was encouraging.
But two weeks ago, we opened an e-mail from the Ukraine that was amazing!!
The writer was named Ludmilla, and she wrote "Each woman know deep in the hearts the truth: that it was a baby, my baby..."signed Lyuda with love.
EMPTY ARMS had had a strong impact on her life and her letter made an impact on ours.
Thanks for the response...keep those letters coming, we love it!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Week with Nana

A week ago Thursday we were excited to have our daughter and granddaughter coming to visit us, but in God's providence it did not happen. Needless to say my husband and I were very disappointed but my mother volunteered to fill in the void of the sudden change in plans. My sister, Sally and her husband, Rogers were coming to ballroom dance at the Fall Formal and brought our mother along from Franklin, Tennessee.
My mother, Evelyn Beatrice Holm Johnson is a trouper!!!She is 90 years young and stayed at the party until nearly the end. In recent years she faced a broken hip, the loss of her husband,(my dad) of 66 years and a cracked pelvis, yet she continues to trust the Lord and keep on keeping on. She waltzed with Henry at the dance. She attended several Bible studies, church and Wednesday night prayer group. She beat me in a mean game of canasta. She visited in the homes of two of her grandsons. She even attended a CCS musical production of Fiddler on the Roof that lasted until 10:30 p.m. and thoroughly enjoyed and raved at the great performance!
But the most rewarding moment was when we skyped with our daughter,Tacy and granddaughter, Molly. She is just about 2 years old. I heard Molly use the name my children used for their grandmother, calling her great-grandmother, Nana! It was music to my ears!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Time to Tango

Henry and I joined the St. Elmo Waltz Society last week. It was great fun to brush up on the box step, the promenade step and paddle turn as we spun around the classroom floor, following the lead of our teacher.
Excited to be dancing again Saturday night at the ballroom at the Fairyland Club, we also need to brush up on our tango. We are so pleased to have my younger sister and her husband join us as we twirl around to the sounds of a Big Band called Nashville Daze.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dancing in the Caribbean

"From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD be praised"
Psalm 113:3
How amazing it was to return to the Caribbean to celebrate 35 years of marriage last week! Henry and I went to Paradise Island for our first honeymoon as newlyweds many moons ago. Now we had the blessing to have dinner at sunset and dance a rhumba under the stars in Aruba, more in love now then ever. We have endured difficult trials with the help of the LORD and the prayers of His people. We felt it was important to take time to celebrate the grace bestowed on our lives as we be continue to seek to serve our loving Heavenly Father. A wonderful milestone in our journey through life together.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Safe Pasture

Yesterday morning I spent time meditating on Psalm 37 which contrasts the way of the righteous from the way of the wicked. It is magnificent poetry by a Jewish shepherd boy who eventually becomes king over the nation of Israel.
"For the LORD loves the just
and will not forsake his faithful ones.
They will be protected forever.
but the offspring of the wicked will be cut off."
Then yesterday evening Henry and I went to the film "Bright Star", a portrait of the tragic life of another incredible poet,
John Keats.
It was dark and rainy as we traveled home. We were intently discussing the movie when a locomotive engine and one car of a train commenced to cross the highway and the flashing lights of warning did NOT begin to flash until we were 3 seconds from being hit! Henry stomped on the brakes and we screeched to a halt, narrowly missing a collision. I was literally scared speechless for five minutes, then burst into tears realizing the protective hand of the Lord was upon us and His tender mercies preserved our lives!!
"Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture."
I skipped over this verse in the psalm yesterday morning, BUT this morning I am so thankful for being a lamb in the LORD's meadow.
"The LORD is my shepherd, Nada shall I want,
He makes me to lie down in green pastures"
Psalm 23 took on new meaning when I was in Mexico last February and again last night!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Singing with Strangers

Henry and I have the privilege of hosting an old friend, Diana, who is visiting from Ohio. She had two co-workers traveling with her, Jim and Michelle. It was amazing when last night we began singing old praise songs. Jim played the guitar and Henry played the mandolin. We went down "Memory Lane" as we lifted up our voices to the Lord singing "Pass it On", "He's Everything To Me" and "For Those Tears I Died" , just a few of the favorites we remembered . We laughed together as we realized we grew up in different parts of the country, yet all four of us learned these songs as teenagers. Seeking to serve the Lord Jesus bonded us together as we harmonized late into the evening. What a blessing to be a part of the Body of Christ!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Comforting Words

Sing everyday!
Whether it is simple as Jesus Loves Me
or as rich as this hymn, lift up your voice in praise!

Day by Day

Day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here,
trusting in my Father's wise bestowment,I've no cause for worry or for fear,
He whose heart is kind beyond all measure gives unto each day what HE DEEMS BEST-
LOVINGLY, its part of pain and pleasure, mingling toil with peace and REST.

Every day the LORD himself is near me with a special mercy for each hour;
all my cares he fain would bear, and cheer me, He whose name is Counselor and Pow'r.
The protection of His child and treasure is a charge that on himself he laid,
"As your days, your strength shall be in measure," this the pledge to me He made.

Help me then in every tribulation so to trust your promises,O LORD,
that I lose not faith's sweet consolation offered me within your holy Word.
Help me, LORD,when toil and trouble meeting, e'er to take, as from a Father's hand,
one by one, the days, the moments fleeting, till I reach the promised land.

by Carolina Sandell Berg

When we go through various trials, it helps to sing truth to remind ourselves of God's love and faithfulness.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Eternal Hope

Our pastor spoke on the passage from John 11 today, where Lazarus is raised from the dead.
He pointed us to I Corinthians 15 that Jesus' resurrection is the first fruits of the dead so we can have hope of eternal life as we put our trust in Him.
Death is ruthless and inevitable, yet we can have hope in our trials and in our final future.
"Only because Jesus' triumphant death and resurrection are we free to hurt with hope." 

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Here, Take This

I attended a women's meeting Thursday night where we went around the room and each person was given 90 seconds to "network" with the group by sharing your own personal passion.
When it was my turn, I spoke of working as a foster mother for Bethany Christian Services and the National Memorial for the Unborn.  I held up the book, EMPTY ARMS, which Ann Caldwell and I had the privilege of compiling the letters from people who regret their abortions and stories of foster babies who are adopted into Christian homes.

After the evening was over, a woman came up to me and asked if I thought the book would help her daughter.  She explained that her daughter had two abortions and now she thought she was going to hell.

I handed her the book.  She handed it back and asked me to write a note to her daughter.
"To ------
 May you realize that Jesus will forgive you and give you His peace."
"His love never ends" Jeremiah 31:3" and then I signed my name.

"Here take this book to your daughter," I said. " I know it will help, because we have heard that response many times before."

Ann and I are very thankful to have the opportunity to work with the National Memorial for the Unborn and see lives changed. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Henry, the preacher

We were honored that the Union Chapel ( known affectionately as the Little Brown Church) invited Henry to preach for Homecoming Sunday, which is the last Sunday of the season.

The building,located on the back of Signal Mountain is not heated and cooled by fans, so it operates only Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Henry's text was from I Peter 4:7, "The end of all things is near." It was a inspiring talk laced with sweet memories of growing up in Summertown and the truth of being clear minded so we can pray. It is an act of service we all can participate in no matter our status. Henry shared that he encouraged some of his bedridden patients to consider prayer their gift to further God's kingdom.

Both of our parents kindly blessed us with their ongoing prayers.
Living a life that is drenched in prayers gives us a rich dimension we often forget to be thankful for as we face each new day.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The End of Summer

As I chopped potatoes for some yummy potato salad, I realized how quickly the summer has flown by and sadly the fresh tomatoes and other seasonal dishes will disappear.

Henry preaches at the Little Brown Church's Homecoming Sunday tomorrow.  This old family tradition of heading up Signal Mountain to worship with lots of cousins in the woods has taken on a sweetness now that I have lived in Tennessee longer than I lived in Minnesota.

Singing old time hymns together is a wonderful bonding experience, especially with the wooden chairs scraping backwards as everyone stands to belt out "Nothing But the Blood of Jesus".

How thankful both Henry and I are to have the simple testimony of parents who loved the Lord and taught it to us as young children!  In Miss Olive's three year old Sunday School department I learned to sing and believe "For God so loved the world that He sent is only Son..."
Thank you, Lord Jesus!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

His Way is Perfect

Here's a comforting poem by an unknown author. My husband's partner's son had a very serious accident this past weekend. He is in our thoughts and prayers. So is my brother, who's birthday is today.

His Way is Perfect

I asked the LORD for quietness
The lightening flashed, the thunder roared,
The earthquake and the fire and threatening waves
Overwhelmed my soul.
And then, even in the center of the storm
He made a place of calm,
And in my heart there came a hush,
A stillness double sweet
Because the roar was still about
But could not touch me.

I asked the LORD for joy;
The treasures of my heart were swept away,
And sorrow followed woe
Till naught remained.
And then He came and filled my cup
With healing potions rare.
He touched my lips with heavenly song,
And comforted my soul.
He brought me to the banquet house -
His banner over me was love!

I had not known the LORD if joys on earth had stayed;
I had not seen Him as my All-in-All
Had He allowed my heart to rest in transient loves
That dimmed the vision of His face.
Through fire and pain He took the veil away -
And lo! He filled all things;
The fairest of ten thousand,
The Prince of Peace, the Life of God!
I had not known Him thus except through death.

"I've been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me...and the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20

The couple in the photo are Pat and Mary Jane, the parents of my dear friend Kathy Thomas who was killed in a car wreck almost 5 years ago. She is in heaven with Jesus and her husband Rock and son, Morgan. I loved her, and remember her encouragement to me when she would often remind me of her favorite verse in Isaiah 61:3..He gives us beauty from ashes.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

20 Year Friendship

I had a surprise today that I can only describe by borrowing our pastor's favorite phrase," it blessed my socks off!!!"We received an invitation to hear a presentation about our friends' missionary trip to Iraq, which was very inspiring!  But I saw my old friend, Linda Crutcher walk in the back and we hugged for several minutes after the talk was over.  Someone was curious at our joy in seeing each other and Linda introduced me as Marcus's other mother.  Hard to believe it has been exactly 20 years since we placed the adorable black baby, Mark, (the name Tacy gave our 5 lb. baby)who had been a part of our family as our foster baby for 4 months in the arms of the Bethany social worker who presented him to the Crutcher family.  It was Labor Day weekend that he went home to his new adoptive home. We had so much catching up to do that we talked madly all through supper together. We laughed at the joy of seeing our two big "Bethany sons" all grown up and going to college.  I reminded Linda that she was the inspiration for us to adopt Eric, since she already had three kids and made room for one more and then we did the same thing the next year!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Our family at Palm Coast, Florida

Cousin reunions

Reconnecting with family is one of the distinct joys of summertime!
I had the opportunity to stay in my cousin's home in Minnesota this month and it was fun to catch up on the last year since we saw each other at a big cousin reunion in Monterrey, California last summer. I also spent time with my dear friends that are like family to me. We rented a vacation spot on Clark Lake in northern Minnesota.
Also in August was a reunion of our children plus one grandchild, Molly, with their cousins plus two other grandchildren of Henry's sister, Margaret as we gathered in Palm Coast, Florida to unwind and enjoy a time of relaxation together. Swimming in the ocean, sharing meals, playing games and laughing over two toddlers trying to stand upright after twirling madly is so delightful!
Henry and I especially enjoyed babysitting our granddaughter as she played in the sand.
A definite highlight was Sunday morning worship as we praised the Lord together in song while Evan led us on the guitar and could look out at the rolling sea.

"Here comes Jesus,see Him walking on the water,
He'll lift you up and help you to stand,
Here comes Jesus, He's the Master of the waves that roll,
He'll lift you up and make you whole."

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Longtime Friendshps

"Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land." Proverbs 25:25
Thankful to have the resources to return to my childhood homeland in Minnesota, I was thrilled to join the celebration of a wedding shower for the future daughter-in-law of my dear friend, Barb.
My longtime friendships with a group of high school friends(who call themselves the O.M.'s) has blessed me with the richness of many extra "sisters" in my life and causes me to eagerly anticipate our yearly retreat together "up North" near to one of the famous 10,000 lakes.
This was an extra-special year because we not only celebrated our 60th birthdays by renting a beautiful vacation home on Clark Lake but we also rejoiced over the coming marriages of two of the offspring of our members.
And we relaxed, talked, cried,remembered, and laughed together as we have every year since we were 15 years old and starting Roosevelt High School. What an amazing blessing to have such devoted friends to journey through life together.

Monday, August 3, 2009

3 Phases of Faith

When trials come, as they do throughout our lives we can be comforted with the knowledge that the LORD is our Shepherd. (Psalm 23)
Our family has some intense struggles going on right now. 
 In my devotions from "Streams in the Desert"by Mrs. Charles Cowman there is a meditation on
 3 Phases of Faith.
1. Faith with a sign and feelings (like Gideon,(Judges 6)
2. Faith with the absence of feelings
3. Faith when we believe God and His Word even when circumstances, emotions and reason say 
 (Acts 27:20 &25...all hope was gone. Yet Paul told the others..."Be of good cheer; for I believe GOD...")

Draw near to GOD, and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer's Bounty

Our yard is a riot of color, so many different types of flowers all blooming at once!
It makes me think of the extravagant love of our creative God to see the bright orange tiger lilies bobbing in the breeze next to the fluorescent pink phlox. Under the pine trees are light pink calla lilies and also surprise lilies and dark purple candles of flowers from the giant hostas under the deck. Over by our stone cottage guest house are blue hydrangeas and lemon yellow day lilies with a sweet fragrance that wafts towards the cherry and large tomatoes in our raised bed of homegrown vegetables.
We relished BLT sandwiches for lunch today, only we had homegrown tomatoes and spinach with our bacon, so it should be BST's!
And one of these days we'll have rhubarb pie. Stop by anytime.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Cove in the Mountains

The Young Life Camp called Windy Gap is SPECTACULAR! Henry and I made a spur of the moment decision to drive over to visit Eric. It was a good move. We were stunned with the beauty of the mountains at the end of Coles Cove Road north of Weaverville, North Carolina. The camp is first rate in every way. When we arrived Eric took us on a tour of the amazing facilities...but more important was the upbeat, positive attitude with 200 high school campers as they did relay races, the laughter and welcoming,encouraging words from the staff. The pool, water slide, soccer field,mountain bikes,ropes course, zip line, horses and numerous other activities for having summer fun were mind boggoling! And a beautiful, rustic chalet with great kitchen where Eric and other food staff are busy preparing nutricious and low fat meals for campers and lots of other staffers.
What a blessing to sit by a mountain stream and observe the camp in operation!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cooking at Windy Gap

A phone call last night from our younger son, Eric brought good news! He is on staff at Windy Gap, a Young Life Camp north of Asheville, North Carolina and is enjoying cooking for a large group! And what great experience to put on his resume! And meeting lots of enthusiastic, Christian young people! Summer in the mountains, under a Carolina blue sky!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fireworks on High

As we sing America the Beautiful, watch fireworks and remember the blessings of our liberty on this 4th of July, let us remember our Heavenly Father who made the first and most spectacular display in creation.


"The spacious firmament on high,
With all the blue ethereal sky,
And spangled heav'ns, a shining frame,
Their great Original proclaim.
Th'unwearied sun, from day to day,
Does his Creator's pow'r display,
And publishes to ev'ry land
The work of an almighty hand.

Soon as the evening shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly, to the listening earth,
Repeats the story of her birth;
While all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets turn,
Confirm the tidings as they roll,
And spread the truth from pole to pole.

What tho' in solemn silence all,
Move round the dark terrestrial ball?
What tho' no real voice nor sound
Amid the radiant orbs be found?
In reason's ear they all rejoice,
And utter forth a glorious voice;
Forever singing as they shine,
"The hand that made us is divine!"
hymn by Joseph Addison

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Cruising Great Grandma

The matriarch of the Johnson clan is headed up North today! Our family vacations were always "up North". Only then it meant packing up the Buick with some food and the family and driving to a lake north of the Twin Cities (Minneapolis and St. Paul). We would spend the week in a cabin and either fish in a rowboat or swim in the lake. It was fun but not spectacular.
Now Grandma is going for SPECTACULAR! She just turned 90, so I guess it's about time that she REALLY head UP NORTH...NORTH TO ALASKA! She will be travelling with my sister and her husaband who just turned 65! Juno, Alaska seems like a great place to celebrate two milestone birthdays!And especially when you are traveling in style on a huge cruise ship named Celebrity!
My advice to the travelers, "Keep warm, put your feet up, get out the binoculars, enjoy the fantastic views and just RELAX!"
And my prayer is "Please give our loved ones traveling mercies as they head up North and bring them back soon. Amen."

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Love Lifted Me

Walking up the country lane with the horses grazing in the nearby pasture we could see the people gathering for the 10 o'clock service at the Little Brown Church. Singing the old hymns lifts the spirit, but Henry and I did feel a little blue to think his mother had been with us last time we were up on Signal Mountain. Now she has graduated to heaven and we were missing her a lot.
Who sat down next to us was a cousin who kindly introduced herself, we see each other every summer but it's hard to keep all the cousins straight. She told us that when she was a young widow with 3 small children that Henry's mother, Jane, had encouraged and helped her through the first months alone since she had faced the same trial many years before. (Henry was only 7 years old when his father, Pat died.)
The collection was taken up and the dogs were acknowledged as they roamed up the center aisle of the old wooden church. As we sang the next hymn,"Love Lifted Me", I could sense the comfort of our Heavenly Father.
It was not an accident, but a providential appointment that we sat on the same row with this very special cousin who loved Aunt Jane like we did. Thank you, Lord for reminded us of the many that loved and missed Granny B.
"All my heart to Him I give,
Ever to Him I'll cling,
In His blessed presence live,
Ever His praises sing.
Love so mighty and so true
Merits my soul's best songs;
Faithful, loving service too,
To Him belongs.

Love lifted me! even me!
Love lifted me! even me!
When nothing else could help,
Love lifted me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Surprising Response

Standing at a reception the other night I met a new woman and introduced myself as an author. It was providential! The woman responded, "What did you write?" and "I READ IT!!!" when I responded "EMPTY ARMS".
Later on, my husband, Henry, was called to the hospital. I lingered, speaking to a friend about painting watercolors. As I was about to leave the woman approached me again, because now we were alone and not in a large group. "I'm so glad you haven't left, so I can tell you how much your book meant to me! A neighbor gave it to me to read and I read it in TWO hours! It really helped me to heal, because I had an abortion!"
Ann Caldwell and I dreamed of this day, when we would know the fruit of the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God and the many testimonies of those who regret their abortions. And this week I have had the privilege of meeting three such women. Ann and I rejoiced for the lives who have been set free from the burden of that guilt, now resting at the foot of the Cross.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What's for dinner?

Rejoicing in seeing the fruit of many prayers is better when shared with family.
We are so thankful to see Eric enjoying being a chef! He started in culinary school this spring at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. He surprises us by cooking shrimp pasta or broiled scallops. So I'm the one asking what's for dinner? After feeding kids for 32 years, believe me, it is a great treat to have the tables turned and filled by our son!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Increase Your Wing Span

"They shall mount up with wings as eagles." Isaiah 40:31
A friend of mine has this title on her business card. In the devotional book, Streams in the Valley, Mrs. Charles Cowman writes of rising above the circumstances and having a bird's-eye view. We saw dozens of eagles soaring high above us over our raft on a river in Alaska.
"The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us."Rom.8:18
Last night at the Riverbend Festival we met some divine appointments, people struggling with regrets after choosing an abortion, the suffering was manifest in many tears as they walked into our booth. But the purpose of our ministry at the Memorial for the Unborn is to proclaim the freedom that forgiveness in Jesus brings to those who are hurting and invite them to visit the Wall of Remembrance.
This devotional reminds us the eagle has a strong wing to fly high above the hurts and disappointments. And the Word of God reminds us in Isaiah that it is those who "wait upon the Lord, who will renew their strength".
Have mercy on us, O Lord, we are helpless and hurting without You. Amen.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Tonight at Riverbend Festival

Stephen Curtis Chapman is the featured performer tonight on the Cocoa-Cola stage. He and his wife, MaryBeth and family have faced an unspeakable tragedy with grace because of their trust in God's promise to give us strength in times of trouble. Besides their birth children, they adopted two little girls from China. The youngest one, Maria,age 5, was accidentally run over in their driveway by the oldest son. The hope of heaven is manifest as I heard the testimony of the family on the radio and that same grace has allowed Stephen to continue to sing of that truth.
It is the same hope we offer to men and women hurting after the regrets of an abortion decision set in and threaten to drown the individual as they relive the tragedy.
But from our Heavenly Father's words we hear another perspective of comfort.
"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Psalm 116:15

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Two Book Signings

The Chattanooga music festival, Riverbend is hosting Stephen Curtis Chapman in concert on Tuesday, June 9,2009. Our ministry is hosting a booth to introduce the public to The National Memorial for the Unborn. A youth group from Abba's House Church will be giving out brochures and I'll have an opportunity to meet the public and sign books.
Then on June 19 at 7 p.m. there will be an open house and book signing at the Wall on Vance Road as we host a Praise Night. Ann Caldwell and I are so thankful for the opportunity to share the message of our Savior's forgiveness through the book Empty Arms. But we did not realize God's vision when it was published. Not only has it been a voice to those who are hurting after an abortion but reminded young people not to choose a path that seems to be an easy escape but turns into years of regret. We are also very thankful that the book is in the 2nd printing and through the internet has touched lives in Belarus, Kenya, China and the Czech Republic. The impact of our book, Empty Arms, Remembering the Unborn is far beyond the limited scope we had as we were readying the manuscript for the publisher three years ago!
Lifting our voices together in worship to Jesus at all the healing that has taken place on the very spot where an abortion clinic once stood is the right response to His faithfulness.
Our director, Carol Martin has taken young couples who are considering an abortion to read the plaques placed on the Wall. To see the remorse and regret up close is a powerful reminder to slow down and remember this is a baby's life that you are considering ending.
"Save me from bloodguilt,
O God, the God who saves me,
and my tongue will sing of your righteousness!"
Psalm 51:14

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Hymn for a Wedding

O Perfect Love

O perfect Love, all human thought transcending,
lowly we kneel in prayer before the throne,
that theirs may be the love which knows no ending,
whom thou forevermore dost join as one.

Grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow;
grant them the peace which calms all earthly strife,
and to life's day the glorious unknown morrow
that dawns upon eternal love and life.

by Dorothy Guerney

Happy Anniversary to Kira and Peter

Friday, May 29, 2009

Encouraging News

The latest results of the Gallup poll reports that for the first time since they began polling:
51% of Americans identify themselves as Pro-Life...up from 44% a year ago!
Cal Thomas reports, "Younger people are taking a fresh look at the issue and embracing the moral argument that all life is sacred, whatever its status." He also writes in his recent article that the dramatic shift comes "because of the tireless efforts by pro-lifers through pregnancy help centers, sonograms, testimonies of women who regret having an abortion..."
Names of many of our friends come to mind...Ann Caldwell, Carol Martin, Stephanie Wharton, Pat Lindley, Peggy Lowe, Gloria Gerow and many, many more who are not afraid to speak up AND put time and actions behind the rhetoric.
Today I have the privilege of supporting another foster mother, as she loving nurtures the little ones in her care through Bethany Christian Services. It's one thing to tell a girl to not abort her baby, but I'm thankful for the actions behind the slogan CHOOSE LIFE offering the support to those who find themselves in a crisis pregnancy.
"Jesus said Feed my lambs." (John 21:15)

Friday, May 22, 2009

Woman of Excellence

My mother, Evelyn Beatrice Holm Johnson turns 90 years old today! She has proved to be a woman of courage, leadership, excellence and faithfulness to the Lord as she faced many trials and joys in her life.
I remember her playing the piano in Sunday School while my father stood in front of the primary department at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, leading the children in singing hymns in praise to the Lord. This is a special legacy that my parents gave to their five children. Not only did they exemplify trusting in in the Lord with all your heart (Proverbs 3), but they enriched our lives with the many glorious hymns of the faith. How wonderful to be able to draw on the words of "Children of the Heavenly Father," "Beautiful Savior," "Savior like a Shepherd Lead Us," "Living for Jesus," and "A Mighty Fortress is our God" for hope. How quickly a phrase from an old song can lift our spirits when we feel discouraged... I'm humming the hymn, "Day by Day" as I write..."trusting in my Father's wise bestowment, I've no cause for worry or for fear."
Also the singing of carols or hymns creates a lovely way to give honor to our LORD.
My mom and dad had a loving marriage for 66 years, a blessing none of us takes for granted!
She says she's ready to join dad in heaven... but God must have something else for her to do for now, because she is still here. I agree; she is a role model to her children and grandchildren of a person who bows her will to the sovereign will of our Heavenly Father.
As the Johnson-Holm clan gather together to share in a BIG CELEBRATION, let me share the truth in the family prayer we will pray together as we hold hands...
"Feed Thy children, Father Holy,
Comfort sinners poor and lowly,
Let Thy blessing now be spoken,
on the bread before it's broken,
Let it serves us while we're living,
Health and strength to each one giving,
Till at last as saints are able
To surround Thy Heavenly Table. Amen"

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Many Graduations

May brings many celebrations..weddings, graduations and in our case, several birthdays. Several milestones of interest to us are calling us to the make the journey to be a part of the festivities! We have one niece graduating from her studies as a nurse practitioner! Another is a nurse graduating from Henry's alma mater, University of Virginia and her minor is in bioethics! And our son-in-law, Stephen is graduating with a master's from St. John's in Annapolis! And my dear mother is turning 90, so my brother is flying into Nashville for a BIG family gathering to honor a very special lady over the Memorial Day weekend!
Endings and beginnings bring joy and sometimes doubt as well. What is next?
It is comforting to be reminded from God's Word that we can ask for guidance...
"Show me Your ways, O LORD...
Who is the man that fears the LORD?..
lead me in Your truth...
the humble He teaches His way." from Psalm 25
"By humility and the fear of the LORD are riches and honor and life."
from Proverbs 22

Monday, May 11, 2009

Bluegrass Blues

My sweetheart celebrated his 61st birthday playing bluegrass at the Beast Feast lunch at a log cabin in the woods. It was a down home type of setting with lots of BBQ and lots of menfolk.
But in the evening we dressed up and went downtown to hear our neighbor's husband play jazz piano with a great group. So we ended the day listening to blues in the lounge of the Chattanoogan Hotel. Music is a passion of Henry's that I'm glad to share. One of our favorite times is singing hymns together with our church family. What an uplifting way to close our Sabbath rest then gathering in the chapel and singing "Like a River Glorious is God's perfect peace, over all victorious in it's bright increase..."

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Saturday night found my husband and I out on the ballroom floor at the Fairyland Club high on top of Lookout Mountain, dancing to a Big Band named Radio Daze! We foxtrot, waltz, rumba and tango, but what we really do best is when we do the cha-cha!We love to turn to the right and then to the left, then around in a's fun when you have been partners for years and know all the right steps and the pattern fits together.
Hebrews chapter 12 speaks of training for the race of life. Dancing certainly is easier when you know the pattern and follow the leader. The same is true in life, keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus is not easy, it takes discipline and practice and prayer and then the blessings and satisfaction may come.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Magical Month

What a wonderful April I had, WOW!
Henry surprised me with an amazing 60th birthday party! What a blessing to be reminded of the many dear friendships we have through our church.
Then my sisters joined some my brother's members from Prince of Peace church plus several cousins on a delightful, relaxing, sunny cruise of the Douro (Golden) River in N. Portugal and into Spain. It was magical to explore castles, tiny cobblestone villages and even a villa of a vineyard owner plus a dinner in a Abbey!
We had some tears as we caught up on each others' lives but also lots of laughter and affirming family time together!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tulips and Cousin Solvi

Springtime is delightful...suddenly plants appear that you forgot existed. Red and yellow tulips nodding in the breeze by our lamp post paint a hopeful picture of warmer weather.
"Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land." Song of Songs 2:12
Another delightful surprise was the appearance of cousin Solvi from northern Norway. She was a little girl when Kristine and I made the long journey back to Brakholm, the island where my grandmother grew up. Now a lovely, young lady working in the travel industry, Solvi had the opportunity to reconnect our family on two sides of the Atlantic. My mother, my sisters, my daughters, all were educated about Torghatten, a beautiful, magical hat shaped mountain with a natural, immense hole through the middle that towers over the small island of our ancestors. Just like the tulips reminded me of bulbs I planted last fall, I now recalled the hike up the mountain and through the famous tunnel. We watched videos of Lapland, the beauty of the Northern Lights, tasted reindeer jerky! Photos of our long lost cousins were a welcome opportunity to inspire us for another trip back to the Homeland.
I even baked scorpa (Scandinavian biscotti) in honor of our wonderful reunion!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Two Homegoings and a Homecoming

In one week we have had two funerals for family members and in between a marvelous birthday lunch. Mixed with sadness at the loss of Granny B and cousin Eleanor, was the celebration of their new life in heaven with God.
The gathering in of the extended families was magnificent! All 14 grandchildren were present, plus most of the 26 great-grandchildren to participate in the service and laying to rest of Jane Shelton Williams Bowers. What an incredible legacy Jane left behind...descendants who love each other and love the Lord! Cousin Eleanor had a similar legacy.
In between, seven of us gathered for a delightful lunch to celebrate the 30th, 60th and 90th birthdays of the other grandmother, daughter and granddaughter plus birthdays of one more sister and one more granddaughter, most in the lovely springtime.
On top of that amazing gathering was added our cousin, Solvi, all the way from Bronneysund, Norway; a delightful addition to the unbelievable homecoming!
What a lavish Lord we serve!
"...Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him."
I Corinthians 2:9