Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Surprising Response

Standing at a reception the other night I met a new woman and introduced myself as an author. It was providential! The woman responded, "What did you write?" and "I READ IT!!!" when I responded "EMPTY ARMS".
Later on, my husband, Henry, was called to the hospital. I lingered, speaking to a friend about painting watercolors. As I was about to leave the woman approached me again, because now we were alone and not in a large group. "I'm so glad you haven't left, so I can tell you how much your book meant to me! A neighbor gave it to me to read and I read it in TWO hours! It really helped me to heal, because I had an abortion!"
Ann Caldwell and I dreamed of this day, when we would know the fruit of the Holy Spirit working through the Word of God and the many testimonies of those who regret their abortions. And this week I have had the privilege of meeting three such women. Ann and I rejoiced for the lives who have been set free from the burden of that guilt, now resting at the foot of the Cross.

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