Here's a comforting poem by an unknown author. My husband's partner's son had a very serious accident this past weekend. He is in our thoughts and prayers. So is my brother, who's birthday is today.
His Way is Perfect
I asked the LORD for quietness
The lightening flashed, the thunder roared,
The earthquake and the fire and threatening waves
Overwhelmed my soul.
And then, even in the center of the storm
He made a place of calm,
And in my heart there came a hush,
A stillness double sweet
Because the roar was still about
But could not touch me.
I asked the LORD for joy;
The treasures of my heart were swept away,
And sorrow followed woe
Till naught remained.
And then He came and filled my cup
With healing potions rare.
He touched my lips with heavenly song,
And comforted my soul.
He brought me to the banquet house -
His banner over me was love!
I had not known the LORD if joys on earth had stayed;
I had not seen Him as my All-in-All
Had He allowed my heart to rest in transient loves
That dimmed the vision of His face.
Through fire and pain He took the veil away -
And lo! He filled all things;
The fairest of ten thousand,
The Prince of Peace, the Life of God!
I had not known Him thus except through death.
"I've been crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me...and the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." Galatians 2:20
The couple in the photo are Pat and Mary Jane, the parents of my dear friend Kathy Thomas who was killed in a car wreck almost 5 years ago. She is in heaven with Jesus and her husband Rock and son, Morgan. I loved her, and remember her encouragement to me when she would often remind me of her favorite verse in Isaiah 61:3..He gives us beauty from ashes.