Thursday, October 10, 2013

Celebrating Our Granddaughters' Birthdays!

What a delight it is to celebrate the gift of another year of life!

We had MANY such celebrations in our family this year, here's a peek at some happy moments when everyone looks forward to gathering and singing and eating and praying together!

  We traveled to Seattle, to visit our daughter Kira and husband Peter and to sing Happy Birthday to sweet Ivey when she turned TWO!

Back in Chattanooga...there was another birthday.
With little Madeleine, it was her very First Birthday in May! She is ONE!
Fresh from heaven, these sweet girls were sent to us and we LOVE being Grandma and Grandpa!

On October 2, darling Frances turned Three and she has learned how to hold up three fingers to prove her age.  She also know how to blow out candles!
Beaming with a big smile, Molly is our oldest granddaughter, she turned FIVE last January!She has started kindergarten and loves going to school every day!

When we celebrated our daughter, Tacy's birthday(Big 30) in
March, we included a ride in the PARTY VAN with Tacy and husband, Stephen, up to Nashville to visit Great Grandma, who is 94, YES, she is NINETY FOUR!And she still enjoys celebrating with cake and ice cream, especially with 3 little Beck girls all around her!
"I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which He is to be praised... you are our Father.  We are the clay, you are the potter, we are all the work of your hand." (From Isaiah 63 & 64)

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