Thursday, March 25, 2010

All our Paths

"All the paths of the LORD are loving and faithful" Psalm 25:10

In our women's Bible study this week, we went around the circle of women and told of a time we experienced God's grace in a relationship.
I shared about a time years ago when Pastor Joe asked us if our guest cottage was available for a German pastor who was coming to shadow him for a week (it was several). Yes, we would keep him. We already had a pregnant, unwed teenager who we were shepherding and I was home-schooling our 4th child, so why not one more? What are you up to LORD?
On the day the girl went into labor, I could not find a babysitter. I walked across the driveway, knocked on our cottage door and prevailed on our German guest to come over and keep Eric company until his dad came home from work.
An adoption plan was made for the beautiful baby girl that was delivered. We became the foster family for this adorable Alissa until the surrender papers were signed.
The German pastor sent for his wife to join him because he loved staying on Lookout Mountain, and because they were fascinated by the incredibly perfect baby our family were snuggling and loving on until the forever family could take over.
God's fingerprints were all over this strange set of pathways that converged in our driveway when months later we receieved a church newsletter written in German in our mailbox. It had a photo of the German pastor, his wife, the foster baby Alissa and a story that I had to have translated telling all about her adoption.
Thank you, Father, for letting us be just a small part in plan we could never dream up!

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