Jesus said "I am the light of the world."
"God shall wipe away all tears:...there shall be no more death, neither sorrow,...for the former things are passed away. Rev.21:4
Henry and I had tears running down our faces yesterday as we attended our friend, Elaine Barker's funeral. She was a little lady with a lot of SPUNK! Everyone laughed out loud as memories were shared of Elaine the gardener in her favorite overalls sucking out an Easter egg hidden in the tailpipe of her car with a shop vac!
She had requested the New City Fellowship anthem written by James Ward to be sung at her funeral by choir members of that church. These special guests sang and the composer sang and played the piano! It was glorious! We can celebrate that there is a new world coming where there is no more cancer, no more tears and the light will be from Jesus.
Easter is coming!
What a great message to hear
"Death has ended, swallowed up in victory!"