Saturday, March 23, 2013

Tacy Jane Turns 30!!!

Our third child turns the marvelous age of 30 today!  We are so thankful to the LORD for this special gift from Him!  The number three was an important part of her birthday.  She was our third child born in the third month, on the twenty third day in the year 1983! To us, her parents, the number three reminds us of the Trinity and we prayed for her and believe she came from heaven blessed by The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Tacy Jane is named for her paternal grandmother, Jane Williams Bowers, a wonderful godly woman who lived nearby and loved her well!  She prayed for her and babysat and clothed her in a white jean jacket and black boots!
Her maternal grandmother and grandfather, Evelyn and Kenneth Johnson also loved her well.  They lived in Minnesota and then Florida when Tacy was born.  Her grandfather's birthday was 3 days later on the 26th, so most years we would head to Clearwater on our spring break to stay with them.  It was a very special time of celebration with a homemade cake made by "Nana" for her husband and sweet little granddaughter.
Tacy's first name comes from Anastasia, meaning "one who will rise again".  She was born in the Spring time when all the trees are coming to life again and blooming!  Plus her birthday is close to Easter, the wonderful celebration of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ who rose from the dead and gives us eternal life.

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