Friday, October 28, 2011

Scripture Pictures

Last November, my husband and I decided to pay for a private printing of my book, "My Jesus Pocketbook of Scripture Pictures".
The book was originally published in 1982 by a small company but then was sold to an international publishing company, David C. Cook, which resulted in boosting the sales quite a bit. It was a blessing that lasted 18 years, then the little book was dropped from the catalog. The publishing rights were returned to me.
Now, there are many new little ones born in our extended family and we realized it was time to reprint this sweet, tiny picture book that encourages toddlers to not be afraid of storms, dogs and the dark, but trust in the Lord Jesus, the King of Glory.
What a blessing to see my granddaughter study the winsome, watercolor scenes of children, ask questions and then hear the Bible verse (under the picture) read to her by her Grandpa and have him explain to her the truth in the Bible that even applies to her young life as well as his.


Bex_78 said...
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Bex_78 said...

Wendy - I just found my childhood copy of this lovely booklet and was searching online to see if I could find copies to give away. Is there any chance you have any left from your reprint? You can reach me at bexagogo @ gmail Many thanks, Rebecca

Bekah said...
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