My sister,Sally is little Micah's grandmother. We both have the great joy of being grandparents, but along with that also comes the pain when one of these little ones suffer greatly. Seeing Micah with a feeding tube and IV's and so weak was HARD!
Yesterday Sally reminded me of my comment at our father's funeral. I told the congregation how thankful I was for parents who took time to have family devotions every night after dinner. Then I told how I would listen to "The Reading" (the Bible) from the living room couch when I was recovering from encephalitis. Dad said he would give a quarter to the child who could recite Isaiah 40:31. So I struggled slowly into the bright kitchen and said, "They that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run at not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint." Then I claimed my 25 cents.
I was weak for months but gradually renewed my strength. Now all these years later I actually walked and RAN in a 5K race in Birmingham, Alabama a few weeks ago! PTL!
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