Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thank Heaven for Little Girls

Do you remember the movie, Gigi? There's a song called "Thank Heaven for Little Girls" in that movie that
I have been humming over and over again since we got the WONDERFUL news we are going to be blessed with another little granddaughter!!!Her arrival date is in the fall.
Since Henry had 4 sisters (sister, Barbara above) and I have 3 sisters, (that's two of the three, Sally and Marilyn) we are both thrilled that our granddaughter, Molly, will be blessed with that extra-special relationship also!
Here's me with my interpreter in Ethiopia. We are sisters in Christ, it brings a happiness that is amazing! I love being able to pray for Alevelf even though we are so far apart.
Of course, brothers are great, but it's hard for either of us to imagine life without the incredible richness that has come from having a sister!
Two girls together adds up to tons of blessings!

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Congratulations, Grandma! Isn't it wonderful? Can't wait to meet our new little girl. :)