Monday I joined the 27,000 people who came to the Mall in Washington, D.C. to let the world know we stand for LIFE.
My husband, Henry, my daughter, Tacy and her daughters Molly and Frances bonded as we braved the freezing temperatures to join forces with all the others who shared the sentiment to support protecting the unborn. The buses unloading lots of young people, most of them carrying various signs: Choose Life, Stop the Abortion Agenda, Lutherans for Life,ect., etc... all made for an EXCITING event!
Twice we headed into buildings along the Mall to warm up. We were able to give out three copies of EMPTY ARMS,(our book on people who regret their decisions to abort their babies). It was a privilege to represent the National Memorial for the Unborn, a place that gives names to those who died too young.
We were able to hear the congressmen from Texas, Kansas and Tennessee eloquently speak up for the Pro-Life Cause.
We look forward to the day when the unborn will be recognized as persons who need to have their civil rights defended. We look forward to a day when an unborn baby is not identified as a blob of tissue. We look forward to the day when the unborn are not disposal property, but blossoming, tiny persons protected and cherished!