On October 16, 2010 the Memorial for the Unborn hosted the second Freedom Ride. It was an exciting event that was conceived by Priests for LIfe and Dr. Martin Luther King's niece, Alveda King. It draws attention to the fact that the fetus deserves to be recognized as a human being with rights, not property to be disposed of as an unwanted blob of tissue.
The first Freedom Ride was in Birmingham. This one started in Knoxville where the attendees protested outside the Planned Parenthood Clinic, then boarded the bus and loaded in many additional cars to travel to Chattanooga to the Memorial for the Unborn. This is the site of a former abortion clinic that was shut down when the Christians bought it. These visitors were from many different parts of the country and were thrilled to be in the city of hope, standing at The Wall of Names. It is a marble wall that holds thousands of name plaques of babies that died through abortion. It gives hope to others to recognize their babies after admitting they regret their abortions. The Wall stands in the shadow of a wooden cross to represent the freedom from guilt and peace that comes from trusting in Jesus.
Dr. Alveda King regrets her two abortions and led everyone in singing and worshipping together. Then many tiny lives were remembered by the new names were placed on The Wall, it was an awesome afternoon.