Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

Here's some advice for the New Year from St. Peter.

"Cast ALL your cares upon the LORD,
for He cares for YOU." I Peter 5:7

We don't need to fuss or worry at all.

As a family, we participate in a walk/run race to raise money for St. Jude's Children's Hospital every New Year's Eve in downtown Chattanooga. It inspires all of us to to stay fit and care for others. A great way to welcome in 2010!

Happy New Year to you!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Jesus' Birthday

Our family gathered in snowy Montana for Christmas.
We were all together for a Christmas Eve Brunch at Lone Mountain Ranch.
With loved ones nearby, we marked the celebration of Emmanuel's birth.
A favorite hymn I learned as a child was written by Peder Knudsen.

"I am so glad each Christmas Eve,
The night of Jesus' birth!
Then like the sun the Star shone forth,
And angels sang on earth.

The little Child in Bethlehem,
He was a King indeed!
For he came down from heaven above
To help a world in need.

He dwells again in heaven's realm,
The Son of God today;
And still He loves His little ones
And hears them when they pray."

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas

A week ago Saturday we woke up to gently falling snow. How beautiful the world looks in a robe of fluffy white blanketing everything!
King David wrote in the 51st Psalm, "Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."
God gives us the expensive gift of forgiveness, bought at the price paid by His son.
No matter what we have done, we can accept the gift, open it and make it mine and just say,

Friday, December 4, 2009

Two Welcome Surprises

Pulling up to the clubhouse of the Chattanooga Golf Course with the twinkling Christmas lights reflected in the Tennessee River, I excitedly looked forward to seeing many dear friends! Henry and I have attended most of the Bethany Christian Services Christmas dinners for the past 25 years. We have seen the face of adoptions change from secretive to many more open adoptions, and also many more international ones. Our dinner table was shared by four other couples. We were all adoptive parents. One child Joined her family from China, one from Russia, two from Kazakhstan and two domestic, but cross cultural. A young family shared their sad journey of loss and then the happiness of adopting a sweet baby girl, which they then introduced to the audience, dressed in a tiny red dress.
We were surprised to be honored for our long time of service with Bethany, humbled to be selected in the midst of so many worthy foster families who have been part of the team of people that love serving the Lord by seeing babies placed in loving Christian homes.
Walking down the hall, we ran into two women. One of them heads up the Christian writers group in town and she introduced me to the other woman and told her about my book, Empty Arms. She responded,"I read it! Thank you so much for writing it!"Needless to say I was AMAZED and very encouraged!
"Thank you, Father, for giving us a glimpse of the fruit that comes forth as we labor in Your vineyard!"
"Let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise." Hebrews 13:15

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Molly makes her debut at the Turkey Bowl

Henry and I were thrilled that our daughter, Tacy and her husband, Stephen decided to make the long drive from Maryland to Alabama to bring their 2 year old daughter to Thanksgiving.
She wasn't the only new cousin, there were actually 5 tiny cousins making their debut, including Beau, who has joined our family through adoption from the land of Ethiopia.
Molly sat on the sidelines and learned how to roll down the bleachers(really a hillside) of the field where the Turkey Bowl touch football game was being played. She loved to watch the cousins ("the kids") and try to copy them.
To have the melding of many Christian families over the three day celebration is such a blessing, especially as the various aunts and uncles reinforce the love of Jesus that we share and encourage an attitude of gratitude.
One of my favorite moments was during morning devotions all 37 of us sang the simple song,"Praise Him, Praise Him, all you little children, God is love, God is love..." and Molly's eyes got very wide as she looked from face to face. You could tell she was thinking, " You know that song, too???!!!"